Traditional Medicine To Treat Back Pain

Back pain is a condition that occurs not only in middle age, but also by young people. Therefore, many people have resorted to traditional medicine to treat back pain to deal with their long-term pain.

Traditional Medicine To Treat Back Pain
Traditional Medicine To Treat Back Pain by KONGDY

Learn more: Traditional Medicine To Treat Back Pain by China

1. Back pain according to oriental medicine conception

According to Eastern medicine, back pain occurs due to causes related to the damage of the internal organs in the body. Specifically, it can be divided as follows:

1.1. Back pain caused by kidney damage

There are two types of nephrotic back pain in Oriental medicine, which are divided into nephrotic kidney damage and nephrotic kidney damage with different symptoms.

Back pain caused by kidney damage is more common in the elderly or people with degenerative spine. The sufferer often feels tired, tinnitus and dull pain in the lower back, in addition, it can be cold limbs, pale white face, and pale tongue.

Back pain caused by nephrotic kidney damage is most common in women. This illness causes constant pain and dullness. The palms of the hands, feet, and front of the chest may also feel hot, have poor sleep, have a dry mouth or throat, or experience yellow urine or diarrhea.

1.2. Back pain caused by typhoid

Back pain caused by typhoid usually occurs when it gets out, especially on rainy days. Symptoms usually include white tongue moss, cold pain, severe stomach, bad urination. When moving such as bending, stretching, all feel pain, especially the muscles will contract, not working flexibly.

1.3. Back pain caused by blood stasis

Back pain caused by blood stasis is a condition in the back that hurts after a collision, or too much activity causes blood to stagnate, clogging inside the body, leading to a painful condition like a needle.

This pain is usually fixed in a single place. The patient often has difficulty turning or bending, stretching in the back and lower back. Some other symptoms that can be easily identified are purple tongue, waxy vessels that are not slippery, and have a congested point.

1.4. Back pain from other causes

In addition to the above reasons, back pain can be due to: spinal disc herniation, ankylosing spondylitis, digestive tract disease causing back pain, kidney stones, spine spine, tuberculosis ...

The above diseases are accompanied by many different symptoms, some diseases that require a biopsy or have a diagnosis from a doctor or a medical professional.

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2. The back pain treatments by Oriental medicine

2.1. Take oral medications

Traditional medicine for back pain treatments often use herbs, natural herbs to correct internal damage, and solve internal problems in a radical way.

Most of the traditional Chinese medicine have warm properties to help fight dull pain, and at the same time support the body to recover and foster the best health.

2.1.1. Advantages

  • Goodness
  • There are almost no side effects.

2.1.2. Defect

Taking oral medications is a long time of treatment, needing patience. The effects of the drug require the patient to be persistent and unable to finish one afternoon. The remedies often have a bitter taste that is difficult to drink.

2.2. Acupuncture method

Acupuncture for back pain is also a frequently recommended method in Oriental medicine. By using acupuncture needles inserted into the body's vessels, pain can be gradually reduced and resolved after a period of persistence.

2.2.1. Advantages

Acupuncture is an effective remedy, leaving no side effects or sequelae. This painless method is very reliable for the patient.

2.2.2. Defect

Failure to understand acupuncture correctly can lead to risks such as distortion, paralysis or dumbness from acupuncture. Not everyone can cure diseases with this method. Acupuncture requires some technicians to have a certain level of experience or else it is dangerous to the patient. In a few cases, patients may experience pain after acupuncture. 

Related:  Electric Acupuncture

2.3. Topical or lotions

This is also a method of treating back pain with traditional medicine, helping to relieve pain, except for low-pain local typhoid and cure and ventilate the patient's blood. Medications that act directly on the area to be rubbed or applied provide immediate relief.

However, these traditional medicines for treating back massage pain are only temporary solutions because they cannot go deep and in the body, directly impacting the spine.

2.4. Massage, reflexology

In traditional medicine, acupressure massage helps to relax spastic muscle areas through massage, helping patients relieve pain quickly. In addition, pressing the correct acupressure point also helps to circulate blood, helping the patient regain the normal physiological position and repel back pain in the spine.

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2.4.1. Advantages

The outstanding advantage of acupressure massage is the local pain relief without the need for medications. Massage movements dilate blood vessels, increase circulation. At the same time increases the elasticity of the muscles, increases the endurance and stretches the muscle groups that were previously spastic. Regular massage increases joint flexibility, reducing the likelihood of injury.

2.4.2. Defect

While this is a safe and low-cost method that is easy to do, it is advisable to choose a masseur with good training and experience. Do not overdo this method as complications can still occur if the massage is incorrect.

2.5. Rehabilitation practice

This is a form of treatment after a major trauma. However, it is also recommended for the treatment of back pain as an effective treatment.

2.5.1. Advantages

Rehabilitation exercises with muscle movements relieve pain through a mechanism similar to acupuncture. Increases muscle strength while improving nerve function, helping stabilize the environment around the joints, minimizing pressure on the spine.

2.5.2. Defect

This method requires you to be persistent, not fast.

3. Oriental medicine to treat back pain

There are many herbal remedies for back pain, depending on the cause, to treat back pain.

3.1. Oral remedy for back pain caused by low typhoid

3.1.1. Prepare materials

3.1.2. How to perform traditional medicine to treat back pain

Step 1: Use all of the above ingredients to dry them, star yellow

Step 2: Take the mixture of ingredients to bring the color of drinking water once a day, you can use it with 2-3 slices of freshly crushed ginger to make it easier to drink.

3.2. Oral remedy for back pain caused by low heat

3.2.1. Prepare materials

  • Phellodendron amurense 40gr
  • Atractylodes lancea 40gr

3.2.2. Doing

Step 1: Take the two herbs above and bring it to smooth or buy powdered medicine that has been finely dispersed and mixed with khong tram juice (ginger juice).

Step 2: Use 3 times a day, each time use 15g mixture of water to drink.

4. Herbal medicine alcohol cure back pain

In addition to using decoctions to drink every day, patients with back pain can also use traditional medicine alcohol to massage or drink with greater efficiency.

4.1. Sesame seed alcohol cure osteoarthritis

4.1.1. Material

Sesame seeds 100gr

White wine 1 liter

4.1.2. Making

Step 1: Sesame seeds are dried, roasted and crushed.

Step 2: Use sesame seed powder in a jar of white wine and soak it for a long time.

Step 3: Use the above mixture of alcohol to rub on the pain 2 times a day, 10ml each time can help reduce symptoms and pain caused by osteoarthritis.

4.2. Onion alcohol for arthritis

Red wine and onions contain many heart-healthy active ingredients, reduce arterial blood lipids and contain lots of vitamins B6, B1, K, C, fiber, folic acid ... These nutrients help reduce the pain caused by inflammation. joints caused.

4.2.1. Material

500ml red wine

Onion 2 bulbs

4.2.2. Making

Step 1: Wash 2 onions, remove the skin and cut into 8 packs and put in a clean jar.

Step 2: Pour 500ml of red wine into the jar, then store it in a cool place for 1 week.

Step 3: Then separate the wine and onions separately, and put the onion wine in a jar stored in the refrigerator is best.

Step 4: Every day drink 50ml of alcohol from 1 to 2 times. In the case of elderly people with back pain, arthritis, reduce the amount of alcohol to 20ml.

4.3. Wormwood wine cure back pain

4.3.1. Material

Lemon 1kg

Grapefruit peel 2 fruits

Wormwood dried 200gr

Sugar 200gr

4.3.2. How to make traditional medicine to treat back pain from wormwood alcohol

Step 1: Use 1kg of lemon to remove the chopped seeds, the peel of 2 grapefruit fruits to dry, then bring the yellow star and pour it into the ground and wait for it to cool.

Step 2: Mix the above ingredients together with 200gr of dried wormwood.

Step 3: Bring the above mixture soaked with 2 liters of wine base and 200g of alum sugar in a cool place.

Step 4: This remedy used 1 small glass a day to drink every day can help relieve pain, effectively cure back pain.

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Treat Back Pain

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Traditional Medicine To Treat Back Pain Traditional Medicine To Treat Back Pain Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 4:51 AM Rating: 5

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